Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cheffrey's for Breakfast

Cheffrey's, located on 12th street in downtown Altoona, is now open for breakfast! Opening up at 7:30 a.m., they offer a convenient (and tasty) array of breakfast options (including the Cheffrey's Special) for sit down or take-out. If you want a good breakfast in the morning, stop by. Or, call ahead to 201-2036.

- Matt

Cheffrey's is one of's sponsors. To support, please visit our sponsors and let them know you read about them on! Or, become a sponsor yourself and get more exposure for your business in the Altoona area! Contact us for info.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Budget Time

It's budget time at City Council! Each year the City staff draws up a preliminary budget with the Council reviewing it and ultimately approving an official budget for the upcoming year. Last year (2007) the City had a very good year that ended in a surplus, and we continue to monitor 2008's revenue and expenditures. However, we have some challenges for budgeting for 2009 as health insurance costs and other expenses continue to rise.

The bulk of the City's general fund revenue comes from taxes, of course, but also a good bit from various fees and services. If the number of construction projects drop, or the population drops, or average incomes in the City slide, our revenue can take a hit. Yet much of what the City provides is what we consider "essential services" -- police, fire, public works and code enforcement.

As we prepare another balanced budget (we are required to do so by state law -- I wish the feds would hold to this standard too), I'd like to get your minds thinking toward 2009. What additional ways might the City draw in revenue? Do you have any ideas on how to make additional money for the City or creative ways to save money? Please comment on this blog post or go to the Community Idea Center and share your ideas!

- Matt

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Monday is Day 6 of the "Staycation". (Click here to follow the latest from the Staycationers.) In other news, a vice presidential nominee visited Altoona this weekend and experienced the "Super Sheetz" on 17th Street. Sarah Palin and some of her family stopped by after a Johnstown rally. (See report.)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Last Day to Register

Good morning! Today is the last day to register to vote in Pennsylvania. Also, for some City voters, the polling place has changed. See this report for details.

- Matt