Friday, July 25, 2008

Housing in Altoona

Last week, City Council met for one of its bi-monthly strategic planning sessions. The topic was about housing needs in the City of Altoona. Invited to the roundtable were various City department heads, housing agency leaders, as well as several professionals who work in housing-related fields.

Some of the discussion centered around the question of what creates demand for more housing. In other words, are people attracted to Altoona by great housing options? Or are people attracted to Altoona because of jobs, and the housing options will follow the demand? (The context of this question was the concern that some of us had that there is not enough of certain types of housing in Altoona, such as loft apartments in a downtown setting that would be of interest to young professionals.) The general consensus seemed to be that it's not just the jobs and it's not just great housing options, but the community needs to attack this issue from many fronts.

One of the main outcomes of the meeting was discussion on student housing downtown. But many other topics were raised, and I feel we're still in the process of developing a thorough housing strategy. It takes a lot of time to grapple with issues this significant -- an issue that affects quality of life, the tax base, and the growth of our community. The group agreed that we would continue to meet to discuss the issue of how to encourage the development of great housing options in the City of Altoona.

Your thoughts and comments are welcomed! Specifically, what types of housing do you think are needed to meet the needs of current residents as well as those considering a move here? How can the City encourage that development?

Click here to submit a reply to this post.

- Matt

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


On my way to work this morning I was listening to The Wall Street Journal This Morning on WRTA radio. They had a little segment about the idea of a "staycation". Due to rising travelling costs, some people are deciding to take their time off work at home rather than travelling to other cities or countries. Some of these "staycationers" are planning to make their days at home fun and creative, rather than just firing up the grill and doing house work. Some of them can even "splurge" a little more because of all the money they've saved on travelling costs.

A friend of mine did this recently as well. She, with her daughter and her husband, took little day trips in the region, enjoying different attractions in the region.

It's really true -- there are a ton of things to do in Central Pennsylvania. For local residents looking to spend some great time locally, is a great resource for planning these out. Our "hidden"
Around the Corner page lists many fun places to go. You can also go to and other local resources to learn more about fun right here at home!

If our team can help, don't hesitate to contact us.

- Matt

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Reform and Leadership

A lot of anger was directed toward the state government three years ago when the "midnight pay raise" occurred. The Allentown Morning Call published an analysis of where the reforms are at. It's interesting to note how difficult it is to change an institution with so many demands, so much money and so many forces at work. But I believe it is a worthy effort.

After serving locally on City Council for two and a half years, I've realized that you certainly can't please everyone. However, one thing that many people will respect is when decisions are made deliberately, thoroughly, and for the good of the community. Another thing I've noticed that is respected (not always in the short term, but often down the road) is leadership. True, genuine leadership -- not just voting "correctly" or getting by, but having a vision and pursuing it, even in spite of temporary setbacks.

I've seen in Altoona some examples of fine leadership. I've seen people who have served our community and brought vision and energy to some organizations. Other areas I've seen a lack, and I've wondered, "Where are the leaders? Where are the people who will step up and provide the leadership needed to help us grow and thrive?"

Many complain, but few lead.

- Matt

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

PA Budget

As you may have seen in the news, Pennsylvania's lawmakers were close to passing the state budget right before the end of the fiscal year on June 30 (though it did not pass on time). Click here for a news overview and here for the thoughts of the state senator representing the Altoona region. Senator John Eichelberger keeps a regular blog at his site ( which gives his perspective on the budget and other issues facing Pennsylvania government. Also, for more information on the PA budget, you can visit the Governor's Office of the Budget site.

- Matt