Friday, July 25, 2008

Housing in Altoona

Last week, City Council met for one of its bi-monthly strategic planning sessions. The topic was about housing needs in the City of Altoona. Invited to the roundtable were various City department heads, housing agency leaders, as well as several professionals who work in housing-related fields.

Some of the discussion centered around the question of what creates demand for more housing. In other words, are people attracted to Altoona by great housing options? Or are people attracted to Altoona because of jobs, and the housing options will follow the demand? (The context of this question was the concern that some of us had that there is not enough of certain types of housing in Altoona, such as loft apartments in a downtown setting that would be of interest to young professionals.) The general consensus seemed to be that it's not just the jobs and it's not just great housing options, but the community needs to attack this issue from many fronts.

One of the main outcomes of the meeting was discussion on student housing downtown. But many other topics were raised, and I feel we're still in the process of developing a thorough housing strategy. It takes a lot of time to grapple with issues this significant -- an issue that affects quality of life, the tax base, and the growth of our community. The group agreed that we would continue to meet to discuss the issue of how to encourage the development of great housing options in the City of Altoona.

Your thoughts and comments are welcomed! Specifically, what types of housing do you think are needed to meet the needs of current residents as well as those considering a move here? How can the City encourage that development?

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- Matt


Anonymous said...

I would like to see more housing options for young professionals also, especially in the downtown area.

Anonymous said...

I think that if Altoona is serious about student housing in downtown, they should get PSU-Altoona much more involved.

By that, I mean, come up with a housing plan that would accomodate them. Find out their housing capacities, and how Altoona and PSU can help each other. Would there be a courtyard near the housing for PSU to have campus events?

Understand that we can only gain PSU's cooporation by showing them the benefits Altoona can offer.

In many college cities, downtown isn't a far walk from the housing. On top of that, it would be very easy to get to the campus from the housing. Students usually would have more reasons to visit downtown than they would right now.

The demand for housing isn't neccesarily the jobs if we're talking about downtown Altoona. It's about the student's desire to live close to things that are happening, and right now, there is much work to do.

Sherri said...

Altoona needs a YouthBuild program!

"YouthBuild is a youth and community development program that simultaneously addresses core issues facing low-income communities: housing, education, employment, crime prevention, and leadership development. In YouthBuild programs, low-income young people ages 16-24 work toward their GED or high school diploma, learn job skills and serve their communities by building affordable housing, and transform their own lives and roles in society." (Source:

I grew up in Altoona. I'm now living in the Chicago area, although I would be honored to come "home" to present the merits of YouthBuild programs to members of the community at a TBD date in the future.

megan said...

We need help from law makers to combat recurring residents that are criminals and "visitors" to start with. We need to concentrate on attracting businesses that are professional and industrial that employ mass amounts of people. Then we need to attract housing help for those who will fill these jobs. JOBS (GOOD PAYING JOBS) create a better tax basis. Retail stores don't matter if noone can afford to shop there. Once we start attracting working class, we will help decrease the crime problem and then you will see people who can afford a higher real estate environment. There would be more motivation from folks to help eliminate blight. If residents don't have the pride to work hard to value their property, they aren't gonna care what it looks like. Kudos to those who help with the gateway project. But it is discouraging to know most of them will not make the effort to sustain the change. If they had jobs, and all the benifits that come with that, There would be a brighter future for altoona. The tools are here, we need the drive to make it happen.