Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tomorrow is the National (and Altoona) Day of Prayer

Did you know Thursday is the National Day of Prayer? The first Thursday in May has been set aside as a special day of prayer for our nation since the days of President Truman. The City of Altoona has followed suit and called that same day the Altoona Day of Prayer, encouraging the needs of the City to be held up in prayer on that day.

The resolution of City Council reads as follows: "recognizing National Day of Prayer to be held on Thursday, May 1, 2008 and annually on the first Thursday of the month of May and declaring this Day as Altoona Day of Prayer and praying for the City of Altoona to include city leadership, city departmental staff, city issues and city challenges."

Our community faces many challenges. Some of them, such as layoffs, job exports, some of the drug problem, etc., appear to be brought on by outside forces. Some of the challenges may be directly caused by our own failures. Either way, I think it is right for us to call upon God to turn away from ways we have rejected Him and His guidance, and to ask for His blessing and direction for our City and general community.

There are several events going on Thursday. You can find more info on the What's Going On page.

(Posted by Matt)

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