Friday, November 28, 2008

Win Every Day is Back!

I'm excited to announce that one of our most popular features is returning to! Win Every Day will begin Monday, December 1! The ILoveAltoona Prize Patrol will begin locating bumper stickers and yard signs around the community. Once a week, we'll post our winners on the Win Every Day page. All you have to do is let us know you're the winner and we'll get the day's prize out to you. You can win concert tickets, gift certificates, and more!

Check back Monday for next week's winners!

- Matt

Monday, November 24, 2008

Black Friday Breakfast!

Have you ever eaten at Tino's VIP Pizza on Pleasant Valley Boulevard? It's one of my family's favorites. I was over there the other day talking to Miles (the owner), and he let me know that Black Friday, November 28, he will be opening for midnight breakfast. (Thanksgiving night at midnight.) So if you are one of those early (or late night) shoppers, you might want to stop in for a cup of coffee, breakfast, or even some pizza! (He'll have it all.) A high percentage of you who answered our recent poll about supporting local businesses said you'll make an effort to do so. I'll bet much of your Friday shopping will be at chain stores -- so if you can, stop by a local business like Tino's (or many others) on Black Friday.

ALSO -- Tino's has an incredible coupon deal that expires in a few days. Click here to print it off!

- Matt

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Budget Time Part 2

The major challenge that the City of Altoona is facing during its budgeting process is a 17% increase in health insurance premiums next year. This cost increase alone is approximately half a million dollars. While the City has attempted to shop around for comparable coverage (we need to provide comparable coverage due to union contracts), we've been "locked in" to our current vendor because other companies don't offer similar coverage.

The outstanding rise in health insurance is an issue that is touching on many aspects of the economy. The fact that cities may need to eliminate public safety positions due to
health insurance costs literally exploding is a shame. I'm not writing this as a political commentary but more as just an observation that it is a major issue.

Altoona Council had no problem coming up with a balanced budget this year because we have had several good years and there is a small amount of money in reserve -- but it is with reluctance we needed to dip into that a bit to avoid cutting services (there has already been fairly significant staff reduction over the past five years). We have five new police officers thanks to a state grant, and we're attempting to keep on top of the drug and crime problems.

Heading into 2009, City Council (and our community in general) would be wise to consider additional ways to fund our essential City services -- police, fire, public works, codes, etc. from its inception has been a place for ideas. So I'd like to invite you to begin a many months-long dialogue with me, and with others here, on how we can not just be a "run of the mill" city, but one whose citizens actively involve themselves in finding answers.

- Matt