Sunday, September 21, 2008

An Informed Electorate

Do you believe that the choices made in Washington, D.C. affect families, neighborhoods and businesses every day? I do. It's one of the reasons that I think understanding the issues facing our nation every day is very important. For over a year and a half, various citizens have been campaigning for the office of President of the United States. Now (finally) we're only a few weeks away from casting ballots for the candidates. Beyond all of the polls, the hype and the nuances that sometimes are carried to an extreme -- do you know what the candidates stand for? Do you have a sense of their personal history, values and character? With the blitz of opinions, accusations and TV ads, it takes some investigation to get to the bottom of each candidate's record and true viewpoints.

Starting this Friday, September 26, is the first official presidential debate between Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain. It is an opportunity to hear the candidates speak for themselves and challenge one another. For people who just naturally love politics, this is almost like watching a prime time football matchup. For others, watching a political debate doesn't have quite the thrill. But if you are willing to think through the issues and wisely consider the decisions our nation faces, tuning in may be a good investment in our community and in our nation. All the publicity out there encouraging people to "vote" is of little value if we simply go to the ballot box without grappling with the issues facing the candidates, and our nation.

- Matt

Monday, September 15, 2008

Student Housing Issue

Hello Altoona! Did you see the front page of the Altoona Mirror Sunday? City Council is considering an ordinance that would restrict the number of homes that are allowed to be occupied by multiple students in any given section of the City. (Click here to view the article.)

On one side of the issue is the concern that some student homes can degrade neighborhoods and cause problems for neighbors. On the other side of the issue are concerns of limiting investment in the City or forcing the student homes to spread farther into outlying neighborhoods (because the ordinance would limit the density of these rentals in any given area of town). Personally (as always) I am concerned with limiting investment or limiting rights of property owners, but I also believe the quality of our neighborhoods is enormously important. What are your thoughts? Click here to comment or to view comments.

- Matt

Monday, September 8, 2008


Good morning Altoona! A couple of quick announcements. First, I found a link you might enjoy that gives tips on saving money on gas. It includes a number of money-saving ideas and a calculator to estimate your potential savings.

Second, thank you to those who have been inquiring about advertising with us. Our Sponsorship page should be going up soon and we're looking for a few businesses who want to expand their local exposure at a low, low cost. Contact us with your email address and we'll get you some information. It's a perfect time to look at local exposure as spending goes up in the 4th quarter of the year in preparation for the holidays.

One additional housekeeping note. I'm looking for a couple of community minded people who would be interested in getting their thoughts out to the Altoona community, whether they be on business, politics or general community issues. If you're interested in writing a column or blog for ILoveAltoona, let us know!

Have a great week!

- Matt

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gateway Project

The Altoona Gateway Project has been a bright spot in the effort to improve Altoona. Launched in 2007 and continued in 2008, the program has been funded through grants and community donations. I wanted to share with you a presentation on what was accomplished in the program's first year, 2007. Click here to view.

A side note for businesses and individuals: the City has a matching donation commitment from Operation Our Town that hasn't been completed yet -- so your donation could be doubled if you would like to participate in this program. Contact City Hall at 949-2470 if you would like to donate or if you or your organization would like to volunteer! If it doesn't work out this year, keep the Gateway Project in mind for '09.

- Matt