Some of the discussion centered around the question of what creates demand for more housing. In other words, are people attracted to Altoona by great housing options? Or are people attracted to Altoona because of jobs, and the housing options will follow the demand? (The context of this question was the concern that some of us had that there is not enough of certain types of housing in Altoona, such as loft apartments in a downtown setting that would be of interest to young professionals.) The general consensus seemed to be that it's not just the jobs and it's not just great housing options, but the community needs to attack this issue from many fronts.
One of the main outcomes of the meeting was discussion on student housing downtown. But many other topics were raised, and I feel we're still in the process of developing a thorough housing strategy. It takes a lot of time to grapple with issues this significant -- an issue that affects quality of life, the tax base, and the growth of our community. The group agreed that we would continue to meet to discuss the issue of how to encourage the development of great housing options in the City of Altoona.
Your thoughts and comments are welcomed! Specifically, what types of housing do you think are needed to meet the needs of current residents as well as those considering a move here? How can the City encourage that development?
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- Matt